Chuck Bass. GQ. My favorite boy (Chuckles, as I call him) and my favorite magazine, Gentlemen Quarterly have gotten together! They didn't put him on the cover though, but that's okay. Ed Westwick is not the cover type. He is a darker more sophisticated man with sartorial charm and wit. Here are some of my favorite (and thus most suit-y) shots from the suit shoot.

This one miiight be my favorite, because Ed looks so hot.

But this one ain't bad either.

But in this one, Ed looks hot and he's dressed well. But this kiindof looks like a typical corner-concrete-room Hugo Boss looking ad. Don't mistake my 'but' for reluctance; I like Hugo Boss. A lot.

Okay, you got me. This is, in fact, not Chuck Bass or Ed Westwick. It's Arlo Weiner, offspring of Mad Men creater Matt Weiner. And at the ripe old age of 8, he's got Chuck Bass style, almost, and been in GQ. My future children will be smitten.

But he is super cute. Someone get this kid in a Wes Anderson flick, pronto.
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